If you are taking on, or finishing an apprenticeship this year, or studying for a new qualification consider these three key principles to help you stay on track:
1. Consistency
Set yourself small, realistic goals each week and stick to them. An hour of focused time a day will help you tick things off your ‘to-do list’.
Stick to appointments with your tutors and attend any lessons regularly. Your tutors are there to support you, give you feedback and a plan to help you succeed. Make use of your time with them, ask lots of questions, and give them suggestions on how best support you.
Download our free, printable 2023 study planner here to help you organise your time

2. Perseverance and reward
Avoiding or putting-off work can be a natural reaction to feeling overwhelmed, but this can turn into a vicious cycle. Facing tasks head-on will help you to feel less overwhelmed in the long term. Preserving through difficult periods and overcoming challenges will give you the motivation to keep going. Don’t forgot to reward yourself regularly for your hard work!
3. Acceptance
Accept your limits and know when to ask for help. None of us learn in exactly the same way, and success looks different from one individual to the next. One of the keys to success is to identify if there are any barriers stopping you from reaching your goals. Simple, practical things could make a big difference, try; changing your study environment, reducing your screen-time, taking more breaks during study time, studying at a different time of the day, and making a list of what other priorities or distractions might be getting in your way.
Speak to your tutor if you are facing a challenge or have hit a roadblock in your studies.
Finally, don’t fear failure. Failure can be a healthy of part of any learning journey. Setbacks can often provide excellent learning opportunities, helping us to find new ways to reach our goals. The key is not to give up.
Looking for an apprenticeship? We can help…
We are a training provider who have been delivering apprenticeships across England for over 10 years. We offer free recruitment services to business partners with apprenticeship vacancies, and have helped hundreds of individuals to start their careers. Get in touch to find out more about our range of apprenticeships: [email protected]k