“I’m very proud that Learn Plus Us has been accredited as a Living Wage Employer by the Living Wage Foundation. We have an amazing team here at LPU, we value and respect our colleagues, and this is why it’s so important to us to be recognised for paying at least the Real Living Wage, when the reality is we offer highly competitive salaries. We have ambitious growth plans for 2024/25, being recognised in this way will support our colleague attraction and retention strategy. It’s important to me and the Board that we are part of an ever-growing list of employers that support and adhere to the Real Living Wage.   

I found the application process to be straightforward and the people at the Living Wage Foundation very helpful and supportive, whilst ensuring a rigorous process was followed. We will promote the Real Living Wage across our network, with the objective of encouraging more employers to make this commitment.”

Debbie Gardiner MBE, Managing Director, Learn Plus Us

The Real Living Wage is the only rate calculated according to the costs of living. It provides a voluntary benchmark for employers that wish to ensure their staff earn a wage they can live on, not just the government minimum. Since 2011 the Living Wage movement has delivered a pay rise to over 460,000 people and put £3 billion extra into the pockets of low paid workers.